Hurricane Andrew indiscriminately devastated the southern region of Haiti. Destroying 90% of the region's infrastructure, killing thousands of people, and leaving over a 100,000 people homeless. It is the worst natural disaster since the 2010 earthquake to hit Haiti.
In coalition with various other organizations (i.e. True Faith Baptist Church in Oakland, CA, DHL, and Fonacha), Those Angels, Inc. led a relief a effort to provide funds for families to fix their homes that were destroyed by the storm and collected and shipped over $60,000 worth of medicine and medical supplies to the region. We thank all who participated and made this possible.
We are continuing our effort to aid the areas devastated again by the hurricanes of 2017.

Marin County, Ross Valley fire department donated an ambulance to our Haiti Rise project. We worked with community leaders to acquire and provide Haiti with much needed first responders equipment.
On July of 2021, Those Angels delivered this ambulance to Haiti's Department of Health to serve the community of Damassin, a town in the southern region of Haiti.
This project was done in partnership with Jim Thelusma and Sophis Music. Though our focus is education, we believe, where there is a need, we should make an effort to help.
Haitian Mobile Clinic-Healthcare For Free

With ongoing unaddressed medical conditions such as high blood pressure and the exacerbation of the health crisis due to the re-emergence of Cholera, it is imperative that the health problem in Haiti is addressed most urgently.
The Those Angels, Inc. Mobil Clinic is established as a preventative health care program to provide healthcare education to participants, consultation, and a diagnosis of their medical condition. We also aim to provide them with the medication needed for treatment.
The Haitian population need immediate access to health. This access needs to be extremely cheap or better yet FREE. This will address the economic factor that has been keeping the greater population from receiving the care they need. People are unable to buy the medication for their treatments, therefore, it also need to be extremely cheap or free.